Monday, January 16, 2017
Dear Wendy: We were so sorry to hear about your mother's passing. Your parents meant a lot to us. Your dad was the scout master for Tom's troop and was responsible for him, his brother and father getting their Eagle Scout awards. Your aunt Florence was responsible for introducing your mother to your father. As your know, you were the flower girl in our wedding over fifty two years ago. In as much as we moved from the Twin Cities and now have a place on Battle Lake, we have lost touch with most of the relatives. I did have a lot of conversations with your mother about art as we both were pursuing our art at this time of life. It was a lot of fun to talk to your mother and she was so excited to share with someone (me) about similar ways to do art. I was sorry I did not go to any of her art shows but I knew this was keeping her going after your dad died and art can be a real therapy. She also was so proud of your children. She enjoyed telling me what they were doing and loved them so. I hope you feel some comfort knowing she is being well taken care of, free of pain and she is with your dad. You have our deepest sympathy on your loss. Tom and Winnie